Lang, Jack

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LANG, JACK (1939– ), French public figure and minister of culture. Lang studied law and politics before turning to theater and theater management. He directed the Festival Mondial du Théatre Universitaire (1963–72) and also the Chaillot Theater (the former tnp) in Paris (1972–74). In 1978 Lang was appointed special adviser to the first secretary of the Socialist party and in 1979 he became director of the cultural activities of the party. In 1981 he was appointed minister of culture in the Socialist government under President Mitterrand. In this position, Lang sought to implement the cultural platform of the Socialist party, to encourage popular theater and culture and government support for films. At one time violently opposed to "American cultural imperialism," Lang subsequently toned down his criticism while making an all out effort to promote French culture on the international scene. He devoted much attention to promoting youth activities, including rock performances. He ceased to be minister with the defeat of the Socialists in 1993.

[Gideon Kouts]

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