William of Cremona

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Also thought to be of Villana, Augustinian bishop and theologian; b. Cremona, Italy, c. 1270; d. Novara, Jan. 29, 1356. A doctor and professor of theology at Paris from at least 1320, William became prior general of his order in 1326 and held that office without interruption until appointed bishop of Novara in 1342. In the work Reprobatio errorum (pub. in part by R. Scholz), he misguidedly presented the Church and State theory of giles of rome in refutation of the errors of marsilius of padua and john of jandun. Of his other works, only the Reprobatio errorum Fraticellorum, the De jure monarchiae, and a few official documents are extant.

Bibliography: Analecta Augustiniana, 4 (191112), passim. r. scholz, Unbekannte kirchenpolitische Streitschriften aus der Zeit Ludwigs des Bayern, 13271354, 2 v. (Rome 191114) 1:1322; 2:1628. jordan of quedlingburg, Jordani de Saxonia Liber vitasfratrum, ed. r. arbesmann and w. hÜmpfner (New York 1943) 4344, 6267, 447. u. mariani, Scrittori politici agostiniani del secolo XIV (Florence 1927); Bollettino storico agostiniano, 11 (193435) 143147; 12 (193536) 1013, 4652, 8082. d. a. perini, Bibliographia Augustiniana, 4 v. (Florence 192938) 1:2832. b. piaia, "Marsilio da Padova, Guglielmo Amidani e l'idea di Sovranita popolare," Veritas, 38 (1993) 297304.

[j. e. bresnahan]