Tetrazzini, Eva (1862–1938)

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Tetrazzini, Eva (1862–1938)

Italian operatic soprano. Born in March 1862 in Milan, Italy; died on October 17, 1938, in Parma, Italy; sister of Luisa Tetrazzini (1871–1940) and Elvira Tetrazzini; studied under Ceccherini; married Cleofonte Campanini (a conductor).

Eva Tetrazzini, the lesser-known older sibling of soprano Luisa Tetrazzini , made her debut as Marguerite in Florence, Italy, in 1882 after training with Ceccherini. She appeared in New York City in 1888 and 1908, and in London in 1890. Tetrazzini performed many roles, including Aïda, Valentine, Fedora, and Desdemona. She died at Salsomaggiore Terme in the province of Parma in northern Italy in 1938. Eva is not to be confused with her other sister, soprano Elvira Tetrazzini , who recorded under the name E. Tetrazzini.

Gloria Cooksey , freelance writer, Sacramento, California

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