Arkin, Marcus
ARKIN, Marcus
ARKIN, Marcus. South African, b. 1926. Genres: Economics, History, Theology/Religion, Reference. Career: Contributor and Consultant Ed., Dictionary of South African Biography. Professor of Economics and Head of Dept. of Economics and Economic History, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 1967-73; former Director-General, South African Zionist Federation; Department of Economics, University of Durban-Westville (retired). Chairman, Editorial Board, Hashalom (monthly journal), Durban. Publications: John Company at the Cape, 1962 (Founders' Medal and prize, Economic Society of South Africa); Supplies for Napoleon's Gaolers, 1964; Agency and Island, 1965; South African Economic Development: An Outline Survey, 1966; Economists and Economic Historians, 1968; Introducing Economics: The Science of Scarcity, 1971; The Economist at the Breakfast Table, 1971; Storm in a Teacup: The Cape Colonists and the English East India Company, 1973; Aspects of Jewish Economic History, 1975; The Zionist Idea: A History and Evaluation, 1977; (ed.) South African Jewry, 1984; One People, One Destiny: Some Explorations in Jewish Affairs, 1989. Address: PO Box 22179, Glenashley, Kwazulu-Natal 4022, Republic of South Africa. Online address: [email protected]