Arrow, Kenneth (Joseph)
ARROW, Kenneth (Joseph)
ARROW, Kenneth (Joseph). American, b. 1921. Genres: Economics, Mathematics/Statistics. Career: University of Chicago, asst. professor, 1948; Stanford University, assistant professor, 1949-50, associate professor, 1950-53, professor of economics, statistics, and operations research, 1953-68, Joan Kenney Professor of Economics and Professor of Operations Research, 1979-91, emeritus professor, 1991-; Harvard University, professor of economics, 1968-74, James Bryant Conant University Professor, 1974-79; Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto, CA, fellow, 1956-57; Council of Economic Advisors, U.S. Government, economist, 1962; Churchill College, Cambridge, fellow, 1963-64, 1970, 1973. Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, Recipient, 1972. Publications: Social Choice and Individual Values, 1951; (with others) Studies in Linear and Non-Linear Programming, 1958; (with others) Studies in the Mathematical Theory of Inventory and Production, 1958; (with W.M. Capron) Dynamic Shortages and Price Rises, 1958; (with M. Hoffenberg) A Time Series Analysis of Interindustry Demands, 1959; (with A.C. Enthoven) Quasi-Concave Programming, 1959; Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention, 1960; The Economic Implications of Learning by Doing, 1962; (with M. Nerlove) Optimal Advertising Policy under Dynamic Conditions, 1962; Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care, 1963; Control in Large Organizations, 1963; Optimal Capital Policy with Irreversible Investment, 1968; (with D. Levhari) Uniqueness of the Internal Rate of Return with Variable Life of Investment, 1969; Essays in the Theory of Risk-Bearing, 1971; (with F.H. Hahn) General Competitive Analysis, 1971; Models of Job Discrimination, 1972; Gifts and Exchanges, 1972; Coinsurance Rates, 1973; The Limits of Organization, 1974; Two Notes on Inferring Long Run Behavior from Social Experiments, 1975; (with others) Energy, the Next 20 Years, 1979; (with J.P. Kalt) Petroleum Price Regulation: Should We Decontrol?, 1979; (with S. Chang) Optimal Pricing, Use, and Exploration of Uncertain Resource Stocks, 1980; Optimal and Voluntary Income Redistribution, 1981; (with others) On Partitioning a Sample with Binary-Type Questions in Lieu of Collecting Observations, 1981; Collected Papers, 6 vols., 1983-85; Innovation in Large and Small Firms, 1983; (with H. Raynaud) Social Choice and Multicriterion Decision-Making, 1986; The Demand for Information and the Distribution of Income, 1987; Informational Equivalence of Signals, 1992; Information and the Organization of Industry, 1994; Innovation and Increasing Returns to Scale, 1998; Discounting, Morality, and Gaming, 1999; Economic Transitions: Speed and Scope, 2000. EDITOR: (with L. Hurwicz) Studies in Resource Allocation Processes, 1977; (with others) Applied Research for Social Policy: The United States and the Federal Republic of Germany, 1979; (with M.D. Intriligator) Handbook of Mathematical Economics, 1981. Address: Dept. of Economics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-6072, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]