Arthur, Chris

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ARTHUR, Chris. Irish, b. 1955. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: Essayist, poet, and educator. Worked as a warden on a nature reserve in Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland, TV researcher, and schoolteacher; Department of Theology, Religious Studies & Islamic Studies, University of Wales, Lampeter, senior lecturer in religious studies. Publications: In the Hall of Mirrors: Some Problems of Commitment in a Religiously Plural World, 1986; Biting the Bullet-Some Personal Reflections on Religious Education, 1990; (ed.) Religion and the Media: An Introductory Reader, 1993; Globalization of Communications: Some Religious Implications, 1998; Irish Nocturnes, 1999; Irish Willow, 2000; Religious Pluralism: A Metaphorical Approach, 2000. Contributor of essays to books. Writings have appeared in literary publications. Address: Department of Theology Religious Studies and Islamic Studies, University of Wales, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 7ED, Wales. Online address:

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