Astley, Neil

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ASTLEY, Neil. British, b. 1953. Genres: Novels, Poetry, Literary criticism and history. Career: Stand (magazine), Newcastle upon Tyne, England, production editor, 1975-78; Morden Tower (poetry readings organization), Newcastle upon Tyne, publications editor, 1976-78; Bloodaxe Books Ltd., Newcastle upon Tyne, founder, editor, and managing director, 1978-; poet and writer. Worked as a journalist. Publications: POETRY: The Speechless Act, 1984; Darwin Survivor, 1988; Biting My Tongue, 1995. EDITOR (anthologies unless noted): Ten North-East Poets, 1980; Poetry with an Edge, 1988, new ed., 1993; Tony Harrison (criticism), 1991; Wordworks, 1992; New Blood, 1999; Staying Alive: Reqal Poems for Unreal Times, 2003; Pleased to See Me: 69 Very Sexy Poems, 2002; Do not Go Gentle: Poems for Funerals, 2003; Bloodaxe Poems of the Year, 2003. OTHER: The End of My Tether (novel), 2002. Address: c/o Bloodaxe Books Ltd, Highgreen, Tarset, Northd. NE48 1RP, England. Online address: [email protected]

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