Ayres, Pam

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AYRES, Pam. British, b. 1947. Genres: Children's fiction, Poetry, Humor/Satire. Career: Writer and performer in television, film, and radio, 1975-. Performs one-woman comedy show throughout Great Britain and internationally; hosted weekly BBC radio show, 1996-99. Publications: FOR CHILDREN: When Dad Cuts down the Chestnut Tree, 1988; When Dad Fills in the Garden Pond, 1988; Guess What?, 1988; Guess Who?, 1988; Piggo and the Nosebag, 1991; The Bear Who Was Left Behind, 1991; Piggo Has a Train Ride, 1992; Jack Crater, 1992; Guess Where?, 1994; Guess Why?, 1994; The Nubbler, 1997. OTHER: The Works: Selected Poems (light verse), 1992; With These Hands (poetry), 1997. Address: PO Box 64, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 5YD, England. Online address: [email protected]; www.pamayres.com

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