Bar-On, Dan
BAR-ON, Dan. Israeli, b. 1938. Genres: Cultural/Ethnic topics, Education, History, Psychiatry, Psychology, Social commentary, Social sciences, Autobiography/Memoirs. Career: Farmer in a kibbutz, Revivim, Israel, 1960-79; secretary, 1973-75; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel, lecturer, 1981-87, senior lecturer, 1987-91, associate professor, 1991-. Visiting professor at University of Wuppertal, 1985, 1986, and University of Osnabrueck, 1989-; chair of Beer Sheva branch of Association for Civil Rights, 1990-91; visiting scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, 1991-92; president of Reconciliation Trust Inc., 1992; consultant to organizations; Peace Research Institute in the Middle East, co-director. Publications: (ed. with F. Beiner and M. Brusten) Der Holocaust: Familiale und Geselltschafliche Folgen-Aufarbeitung in Wissenschaft und Erziehung? (title means: Family and Social Consequences of the Holocaust), 1988; (with A. Niv) The Size Dilemma of the Kibbutz from an Organizational Learning Perspective, 1988; Legacy of Silence: Encounters with Children of the Third Reich, 1989; Fear and Hope; Three Generations in a Family, 1995; Third Generation in Israel and Germany after the Holocaust, 1993; The Indescribable and the Undiscussible, 1999; Bridging the Gap, 2000; The Others in Us, 2001. Contributor of articles and chapters to books. Contributor to scientific journals. Address: Dept of Behavioral Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, PO Box 653, 84105 Beer Sheva, Israel. Online address: [email protected]