Beaman, Joyce Proctor

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BEAMAN, Joyce Proctor

BEAMAN, Joyce Proctor. American, b. 1931. Genres: Young adult fiction, Education, Psychology, Self help. Career: Snow Hill High School, North Carolina, English and French teacher, 1953-59; Saratoga Central High School, 1959-78; Elm City Middle School, North Carolina, librarian, 1978-82; Spaulding Elementary School, librarian, 1987-92; retired. Publications: Broken Acres, 1971; All for the Love of Cassie, 1973; Bloom Where You Are Planted, 1975; You Are Beautiful: You Really Are, 1981; Teaching: Pure and Simple, 1998. Address: PO Box 187, Saratoga, NC 27873, U.S.A.

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