Bennett, Carl D(ouglas)
BENNETT, Carl D(ouglas)
BENNETT, Carl D(ouglas). American, b. 1917. Genres: Humanities, Literary criticism and history. Career: West Georgia College, Carrollton, instructor in English, 1941-42; Wesleyan College, Macon, GA, assistant professor to associate professor of English, 1944-59; St. Andrews Presbyterian College, Laurinburg, NC, professor of English, 1959-82, distinguished professor, 1982-88, emeritus, 1989-, past department head and chair of Humanities and Fine Arts Division. Seinan Gakuin University, visiting professor, 1980-81; Mercer University, visiting professor; lecturer at Japanese colleges. Fulbright scholar, India, 1964. Publications: Joseph Conrad, 1991. Work represented in anthologies, contrib. of articles and reviews to scholarly journals. Address: Department of English, St. Andrews Presbyterian College, Laurinburg, NC 28352, U.S.A.