Berger, Fredericka
BERGER, Fredericka
BERGER, Fredericka. American, b. 1932. Genres: Plays/Screenplays, Young adult non-fiction. Career: Haverford College, Haverford, Pa., librarian, 1954-55; English teacher at Friends' school in Jenkintown, Pa., 1955-56, junior high school in Wellesley, Mass., 1956-57, and high school in Newton, Mass., 1957-58; homemaker, 1958-79; Riverdale Presbyterian Church, University Park, Md., founder and director of Side Door Cafe, 1979-. Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C., team teacher in theology and the arts, 1983-, adjunct professor of drama, 1987-, religion and drama lecturer, 1995. Associate director of Episcopal Foundation for Drama; co-chairman of Interdenominational Drama Festivals for the Greater Washington Area. Publications: Nuisance (young adult novel), 1983. ONE-ACT PLAYS: What's New with Noah, 1975; The Light of the Gift, 1975; The Center of Time, 1976; Voices of Babel, 1977; Me and Myself, 1977; Storm, 1978; Robots: What They Are, What They Do, 1992; The Green Bottle and the Silver Kite, 1993. Address: 4209 Sheridan St, University Park, MD 20782, U.S.A.