Bergquist, William Hastings
BERGQUIST, William Hastings
BERGQUIST, William Hastings. American, b. 1940. Genres: Psychology, Education. Career: University of Idaho, Moscow, assistant professor of psychology, 1969-72; Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, Boulder, CO, director of special higher education programs, 1972-74; William Bergquist and Associates, director, 1974-; Professional School of Psychology, San Francisco, CA, president, 1986-. Publications: (with R.A. Gould and E.M. Greenberg) Designing Undergraduate Education, 1981; (with J.L. Armstrong) Planning Effectively for Quality, 1986; (with S. Phillips) Solutions: A Guide to Better Problem-Solving, 1987; The Four Cultures of the Academy, 1992; The Postmodern Organization: Managing the Art of Irreversible Change, 1993; (with G.A. Klaum and Greenberg) In Our Fifties: Voices of Men and Women Reinventing Their Lives, 1993; (with D. Meuel and J. Betwee) Building Strategic Relationships, 1994; (with B. Weiss) Freedom! The Social-Psychological Experiences of Liberation in Eastern Europe, 1994; (with R. McLean and B. Kobylin) Stroke Survivors, 1994; Quality and Access: An Essential Unity in Higher Education, in press. Address: Professional School of Psychology, Inc., 9912 Business Part Dr. Ste 170, Sacramento, CA 95827-1724, U.S.A.