Big Fella

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Big Fella ★★½ 1937

Musical drama starring Robeson as Joe, a Marseilles dockworker (a familiar film occupation for the actor), who's asked by the police to help find a young boy (Grant) missing from an ocean liner. When Joe locates the boy, he discovers the child ran away from his wealthy family and doesn't want to return. Joe takes the boy to his cafe singer girlfriend, Miranda (Welch), and the two become his surrogate parents. Loose adapatation of the 1929 novel, “Banjo,” by Claude McKay. ♫Lazin'; Roll Up Sailorman; You Didn't Ought to Do Such Things; All God's Chillun Got a Robe; My Curly Headed Baby; River Steals My Folks from Me. 73m/B VHS, DVD . GB Paul Robeson, Elisabeth Welch, Eldon Grant; D: J. Elder Wills; W: Ingram D'Abbes, Fenn Sherie; C: Cyril Bristow; M: Eric Ansell.

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