Boff, Leonardo (Genezio Darci)

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BOFF, Leonardo (Genezio Darci)

BOFF, Leonardo (Genezio Darci). Brazilian, b. 1938. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: Ordained a priest of the Franciscan order in 1964. Roman Catholic priest, Petropolis, Brazil, 1964-92; Institute Teologico Franciscano, Petropolis, professor of systematic theology, Franciscan spirituality, and theology of liberation, 1971-92; University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, professor of theology, 1992-. Adviser to the Latin American Conference of religions, and to the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops, 1971-80. Publications: O Evangelho do Cristo cosmico: A Realidade de um mitoeomitodeumarealidade, 1971; The Question of Faith in the Resurrection of Jesus, 1971; Vida Religiosa e secularizacao, 1971; (with others) A Oracao no mundo secular: Desafio e chance, 1971; Die Kirche als Sakrament im Horizont der Welterfahrung: Versuch einer Legitimation und einer struktur-funktionalistischen Grundlegung der Kirche im Anschluss an das II. Vatikanische Konzil, 1972; Jesus Cristo libertador: Ensaio de cristologia critica para o nosso tempo, 1972, trans by P. Hughes as Jesus Christ Liberator: A Critical Christology for Our Times, 1978; A Ressurreicao de Cristo e a nossa na morte: A Dimensao antropologica da esperanca crista, 1972; (with others) Credo para amamha, 1972; O Destino do homem e do mundo, 1973; A Atualidade da experiencia de Deus, 1973; Vida para alem da morte: O Futuro, a festa e a contestacao do presente, 1974; (with others) Experimentar Deus hoje, 1974; Minima Sacramentalia: Os Sacramentos da vida e a vida dos sacramentos, 1975; A Vida religiosaeaIgrejanoprocesso de libertacao, 1975; Teologia desde el cautiverio, 1975; Pobreza, obediencia, realizacion personal en la vida religiosa, 1975; (with others) A Mulher na Igreja: Presenca e acao hoje, 1975; (with others) Nosso Irmao Francisco de Assis, 1975; (with others) Quem e Jesus Cristo no Brasil, 1975; Teologia da libertacao e do cativeiro, 1976; A Graca libertadora no mundo, 1976, trans by J. Drury as Liberating Grace, 1979; Paixao de Cristo-paixao do mundo: Os Fatos as interpretacoeseosignificado ontem e hoje, 1976, trans by R.R. Barr as Passion of Christ, Passion of the World: The Facts, Their Interpretation, and Their Meaning Yesterday and Today, 1987; Encarnacao: A Humanidade e a jovialidade de nosso Deus, 1976; Testigos de Dios en el corazon del mundo, 1977; Eclesiogenese: As Comunidades eclesiais de base reinventam a Igreja, 1977, trans by Barr as Ecclesiogenesis: The Base Communities Reinvent the Church, 1986; Que es hacer teologia desde Amreica Latina, 1977; A Fe na periferia do mundo, 1978; Via-sacra da justica, 1978, trans by Drury as Way of the Cross-Way of Justice, 1980; (with others) Die lateinamerikanische Befreiungstheologie, 1978; (with others) Religiosita popolare e cammino di liberazione, 1978; (with others) Jesucristo: Fe y historia, 1978; (with others) Responsabilidades eclesiales y sociales de los religiosos, 1978; (with others) Renovacao carismatica catolica, 1978; O Rosto materno de Deus: Ensaio interdisciplinar sobre o feminino e suas formas religiosas, 1979, trans by Barr and J.W. Diercksmeier as The Maternal Face of God: The Feminine and Its Religious Expressions, 1987; O Pai-nosso: A Oracao de libertacao integral, 1979, trans by T. Morrow as The Lord's Prayer: The Prayer of Integral Liberation, 1983; Die Anliegen der Befreiungstheologie, 1979; (with others) Da libertacao: O Teologico das libertacoes socio-historicas, 1979; Pueblas Herausforderung an die Franziskaner (Berichte, Dokumente, Kommentare), 1979; (with others) Frontiers of Theology in Latin America, 1979; (with others) Roberto Burle Marx: Homenagem a natureza, 1979; Em Preparo: O Homem, o nao-homem, o homem novo: Ensaio de antropologia a partir do oprimido, 1980; Em Preparo: A Ave-Maria, o espirito santo e o feminino, 1980; O caminhar da Igreja com os oprimidos: Do Vale de lagrimas a terra prometida, 1980; Igreja, carisma e poder, 1981, trans by Diercksmeier as Church: Charism and Power: Liberation Theology and the Institutional Church, 1985; Vida segundo o espirito, 1982; Saint Francis: A Model for Human Liberation, 1982; (with C. Boff) Salvation and Liberation, 1984; (with Peter Eicher) Theologie der Befreiung im Gesprach, 1985; (with C. Boff) Bedrohte Befreiung, 1985; Francisco de Assis: Homem do paraiso, 1985; (with C. Boff) Teologia da libertacao no debate atual, 1985; Como pregar a cruz hoje numa sociedade de crucificados?, 1986; (ed. with V. Elizondo and M. Lefebure) The People of God Amidst the Poor, 1986; (ed. with Elizondo and Lefebure) Option for the Poor: Challenge to the Rich Countries, 1986; (with others) Teologos de la liberacion hablan sobre la mujer, 1986; A Trindade, a sociedade e a libertacao, 1986, trans by P. Burns as Trinity and Society, 1988;EaIgrejasefez povo: Eclesiogenese a Igreja que nasce de fe do povo, 1986; (with C. Boff) Como fazer teologia da libertacao, 1986, trans by Burns as Introducing Liberation Theology, 1987; (with C. Boff) Liberation Theology: From Dialogue to Confrontation, trans by Barr, 1986; (with B. Kern and A. Muller) Werkbuch Theologie der Befreiung: Anliegen, Streitpunkte, Personen: Materialien und Texte, 1988; (ed. with Elizondo and J.A. Gardiner) Convergences and Differences, 1988; When Theology Listens to the Poor, trans by Barr, 1988; Faith on the Edge: Religion and Marginalized Existence, selections from Boff's works trans by Barr, 1989; (ed. with Elizondo) 1492-1992: The Voice of the Victims, 1990; Nova evangelizacao: Perspectiva dos oprimidos, 1990, trans by Barr as New Evangelization: Good News to the Poor, 1991; (with others) Direitos humanos, direitos dos pobres, 1991; (with others) Sobre la opcion por los pobres, 1991; America Latina: Da Conquista a nova evangelizacao, 1992; Ecologia, mundializacao, espiritualidade, a emergencia de um novo paradigma, 1993, trans as Ecology and Liberation: A New Paradigm, 1995; (ed. with Elizondo) Is There Room for Christ in Asia?, 1993; The Path to Hope: Fragments from a Theologian's Journey, trans by P. Berryman, 1993; (ed. with V. Elizando) Poverty and Ecology, 1995. Contributor to books and periodicals. Address: Pr. Martins Leao 12/204, Alto Vale Encantado, 20531-350 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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