Brooks, David (Gordon)

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BROOKS, David (Gordon)

BROOKS, David (Gordon). Australian, b. 1953. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Novellas/Short stories, Poetry, Essays, Novels. Career: University of Toronto, Canada, 1976-79; University of New South Wales, Canberra, A.C.T., 1981; University of Western Australia, Perth, 1982-85; Australian National University, Canberra, 1986-91; University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia, senior lecturer in Australian literature, 1991-. Open Door Press, founder, editor, and printer, 1974-77. Publications: POETRY: Five Poems, 1981; The Cold Front, 1983. STORIES: The Book of Sei and Other Stories, 1986, rev. 1988; Sheep and the Diva, 1990; Black Sea, 1997. OTHER: The Necessary Jungle: Literature and Excess (essays), 1990; The House of Balthus (novel), 1995. EDITOR: New South: Australian Poetry of the Late 1970s, 1980; (with B. Walker) Poetry and Gender: Statements and Essays on Australian Women Poets, 1989; Selected Poems of A.D. Hope, 1991; Suddenly Evening: Selected Poems of R.F. Brissenden, 1991. Works represented in anthologies. Contrib. of essays and reviews to periodicals. Address: University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.

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