Burns, Ailsa (Milligan)
BURNS, Ailsa (Milligan)
BURNS, Ailsa (Milligan). Australian, b. 1930. Genres: Human relations/Parenting, Women's studies and issues, Self help, Psychology. Career: Macquarie University, North Ryde, Australia, lecturer to associate professor of psychology. Publications: Breaking Up: Separation and Divorce in Australia, 1980; (with J.J. Goodnow) Children and Families in Australia: Contemporary Issues and Problems, 2nd ed, 1985; (with Goodnow) Home and School, 1985; (with R. Dunlop) Don't Feel the World Is Caving In, 1988; (with C. Scott) Mother-Headed Families and Why They Have Increased, 1994. Contributor to books and professional journals. EDITOR: (with G. Bottomley and R. Jools) The Family in the Modern World, 1983; (with N. Grieve) Australian Women: New Feminist Perspectives, 1986; (with Grieve) Australian Women: Contemporary Feminist Thought, 1994. Address: Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, North Ryde, NSW 2109, Australia. Online address: [email protected]