Calasso, Roberto

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CALASSO, Roberto

CALASSO, Roberto. Italian, b. 1941. Genres: Novels, Autobiography/Memoirs. Career: Adelphi Edizioni (publishing house), Milan, Italy, editorial director, 1968-. Publications: L'Impuro Folle, 1974; La rovina di Kasch, 1983, trans. as The Ruin of Kasch, 1988; (ed.) F.W. Nietzsche, Ecce homo: Come si diventa cio che si e (autobiography), 1985; Le Nozze di Cadmo e Armonia, 1988, trans. as The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony, 1993; Ka, 1996; Literature and the Gods, 2001. Contributor of articles to professional journals. Address: Adelphi Edizioni SpA, Via S. Giovanni sul Muro 14, I-20121 Milan, Italy.

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