Cohen, Andrew (Z.)
COHEN, Andrew (Z.)
COHEN, Andrew (Z.). Canadian, b. 1955. Genres: Documentaries/Reportage. Career: Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, staff writer, 1977-80; United Press International, parliamentary correspondent in Ottawa, 1980-84, editor, foreign desk, Washington, DC, 1983; Financial Post, Toronto, Ontario, political writer, 1984-87, foreign editor, 1987-90, foreign affairs columnist, 1989-93, senior editor and columnist 1990-91, national affairs columnist, 1993-94. Cambridge University, visiting fellow, 1991-93. National Correspondent, Saturday Night Magazine, 1993-94, The Editorial Board, The Globe and Mail, 1994-; radio & television commentator on national and foreign affairs. Publications: (Ed.) Patrick Gossage, Close to the Charisma, 1986; A Deal Undone: The Making and Breaking of the Meech Lake Accord, 1990; essays, book reviews, monographs. Address: 152 Spruce St., Toronto, ON, Canada M5A 2J5.