Coppa, Frank John

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COPPA, Frank John

COPPA, Frank John. American, b. 1937. Genres: Communications/Media, History, Theology/Religion, Urban studies, Biography. Career: St. John's University, NYC, assistant professor, 1965-70, associate professor, 1971-79, professor of history, 1979-; also writer for television. Publications: Planning Protectionism and Politics in Liberal Italy: Economics and Politics in the Giolittian Age, 1971; Camillo di Cavour, 1973; Pope Pius IX: Crusader in a Secular Age, 1979; Dictionary of Modern Italian History, 1985; Cardinal Giacomo Antonelli and Papal Politics in European Affairs, 1990; The Origins of the Italian Wars of Independence, 1992; The Modern Papacy since 1789, 1998; The Papacy Confronts the Modern World, 2003. EDITOR: (with W. Griffin and B. Bast) From Vienna to Vietnam: War and Peace in the Modern World, 1969; (with P. Dolce) Cities in Transition: From the Ancient World to Urban America, 1974; Religion in the Making of Western Man, 1974; The Immigrant Experience in America, 1976; Screen and Society: The Impact of Television upon Aspects of Contemporary Civilization, 1979; (with R. Harmond) Technology in the Twentieth Century, 1983; Studies in Modern Italian History, 1986; (with W. Roberts) Modern Italian History: An Annotated Bibliography, 1990; (with M. Repetto) The Formation of the Italian Republic, 1993; Encyclopedia of the Vatican and Papacy, 1999; Controversial Concordats: The Vatican's Relations with Napoleon, Mussolini, and Hitler, 1999; (in chief) Great Popes through History: An Encyclopedia, 2 vols., 2002. Address: Dept of History, St. John's University, Jamaica, NY 11439, U.S.A.

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