Devincent-Hayes, Nan
DEVINCENT-HAYES, Nan. (Gianni). American. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Horror, Romance/Historical, Science fiction/Fantasy, Young adult fiction, Plays/Screenplays, Adult non-fiction, Communications/Media, Cultural/Ethnic topics, Education, Humanities, Politics/Government, Women's studies and issues, Writing/Journalism. Career: Writer. Salisbury State University, adjunct professor, 1985-90, assistant professor of English, 1989-92, adjunct professor of communications, 1995-; Wor-Wic College, adjunct professor of English, 1985-89; Mount Aloysius College, associate professor of English and chair of dept, 1989-91; University of Maryland Eastern Shore, visiting lecturer and adjunct professor of English, 1992-94. Publications: Move It, 1988; The Last of the Wallendas, 1993; Images of America: Ocean City, 2 vols., 1999; Images of America: Assateague and Chincoteague, 2000; Wallops Island, 2001; Thy Brothers' Reaper (screenplay), 2001; Rehobeth and the Quiet Resorts, 2002; Zambelli: The First Family of Fireworks, 2003. NOVELS: 22 Friar Street, 2001; Thy Brothers' Reaper, 2001; Jacob's Trouble, 2001; Heartbroken Love, 2002. TEXTBOOKS: Troublesome Grammar; Grammar & Sentence Diagramming, 1998. Fiction and nonfiction represented in anthologies. Contributor to periodicals, literary magazines, and scholarly works. Address: 5736 Royal Mile Blvd, Salisbury, MD 21801, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected];