Dorfer, Ingemar (Nils Hans)
DORFER, Ingemar (Nils Hans)
DORFER, Ingemar (Nils Hans). Also writes as Harry Winter. Swedish (born Germany), b. 1939. Genres: Air/Space topics, Communications/Media, Technology, Military/Defense/Arms control, Novels. Career: Ministry of Defense, Stockholm, Sweden, special assistant for national security affairs, 1971-75; National Defense Research Institute, Stockholm, senior research associate, 1975-; head of international program, 1987-, head of research, 1993-. Ministry for foreign affairs, Sweden, special adviser to the foreign minister, 1992-94. Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, associate professor of government, 1974-. Guest scholar at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 1968, Norwegian Institute for International Affairs, 1972, Washington Center for Foreign Policy Research, 1976, and Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Smithsonian Institution, 1978, 1995; fellow of International Institute of Strategic Studies, London, England, 1980. Consultant with C & L Associates, Potomac, MD. Publications: Communication Satellites, 1969; System 37 Viggen: Arms, Technology, and the Domestication of Glory, 1973; Arms Deal: The Selling of the F16, 1983; The Nordic Nations in the New Western Security Regime, 1997. NOVELS coauthor as HARRY WINTER: Operation Garbo I, 1988; Garbo II, 1989; Garbo III, 1991; Operation Narva, 1993; Operation Poltava, 1996. Address: Radmansgatan 69, 11360 Stockholm, Sweden.