Erskinville Kings

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Erskinville Kings ★★½ 1999

The plot borders on the cliched but White's debut feature has strong performances to carry it along. It's summer in a grimy Sydney suburb filled with run-down stores, bars, and neglected houses. Barky (screenwriter Chooney acting under the pseudonyn Martin Denniss) is returning home after two years for his drunken, abusive father's funeral. He's hoping to have some kind of reconciliation with his brother Wace (Jackman) but Wace's bitterness may prevent that. 85m/C VHS . AU Anik (Martin Denniss) Chooney, Hugh Jackman, Leah Vandenberg, Aaron Blabey, Andrew Wholley, Joel Edgerton; D: Alan White; W: Anik (Martin Denniss) Chooney; C: John Swaffield; M: Don Miller-Robinson.

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