Evergreen 1934
Evergreen ★★½ 1934
The daughter of a retired British music hall star is mistaken for her mother and it is thought that she has discovered the secret of eternal youth. ♫Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow-Wow; When You've Got a Little Springtime in Your Heart; If I Give in to You; Tinkle, Tinkle, Tinkle; Dear, Dear; Dancing on the Ceiling; Just by Your Example; Over My Shoulder. 91m/B VHS . GB Jessie Matthews, Sonnie Hale, Betty Balfour, Barry Mackay, Ivor McLaren, Hartley Power, Patrick Ludlow, Marjorie Gaffney; D: Victor Saville; W: Emlyn Williams; C: Glen MacWilliams; M: Richard Rodgers, Harry Woods, Lorenz Hart, Harry Woods.
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