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eXistenZ ★★½ 1999 (R)

Typically scary and weird Cronenberg production finds security guard Law saving the life of computer-game designer Leigh. They both get sucked into one of her alternate-reality creations and are pursued by assassins. In this future world, game players are literally hooked up to their computer with an umbilical-like cord plugged directly into their spines—no doubt the fantasy of teenage boys everywhere. Surreal visuals and excellent performances won't help the viewer keep track of what's going on, but for Cronenberg linear plotting is rarely the point. 97m/C VHS, DVD . CA Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jude Law, Ian Holm, Willem Dafoe, Sarah Polley, Christopher Eccleston, Don McKellar, Cal-lum Keith Rennie; D: David Cronenberg; W: David Cronenberg; C: Peter Suschitzky; M: Howard Shore. Genie '99: Film Editing.

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