Fire Maidens from Outer Space
Fire Maidens from Outer Space ★ 1956
Fire maidens prove to be true to the space opera code that dictates that all alien women be in desperate need of male company. Astronauts on an expedition to Jupiter's 13th moon discover the lost civilization of Atlantis, which, as luck would have it, is inhabited by women only. Possibly an idea before its time, it might've been better had it been made in the '60s, when spaceexploitation came into its own. 80m/B VHS, DVD . GB Anthony Dexter, Susan Shaw, Paul Carpenter, Harry Fowler, Jacqueline Curtiss, Sydney Tafler, Maya Koumani, Jan Holden, Kim Parker, Rodney Diak, Owen Berry; D: Cy Roth; W: Cy Roth; C: Ian Struthers.
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Fire Maidens from Outer Space
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