Franklin, Jane (Morgan)

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FRANKLIN, Jane (Morgan)

FRANKLIN, Jane (Morgan). American, b. 1934. Genres: History, Politics/Government. Career: Historian. Tobacco worker on family farm, 1942-51; Bailey Library, Bailey, NC, part-time librarian, 1948-51; United Nations, NYC, public information representative, 1955-56; freelance typist, proofreader, editor, researcher, and writer, 1959-71; National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, CA, assembler, 1972; Heublein's Inc., Menlo Park, CA, bottler, 1972; Grossman, Ackerman & Peters (law firm), San Francisco, CA, legal secretary, 1973-74; WPOP, Hartford, CT, newswriter, 1974-75; WJDM, Elizabeth, NJ, "Jane Morgan at the Movies," 1975-76; freelance editor and indexer, 1977-79. Center for Cuban Studies, NYC, staff member, 1980-81; American Film Festival, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, prescreening juror, 1980-83, juror, 1983; Cuba Update, researcher and writer, 1981-83, co-editor, 1984-90, contributing editor, 1990-2002. Radio and television commentator about Cuba. Gives public speeches, participates in debates, and lectures about Cuba, Vietnam, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Panama. Publications: Cuban Foreign Relations: A Chronology, 1959-1982, 1984; (ed., with M.E. Gettleman, H.B. Franklin, and M. Young) Vietnam and America: A Documented History, 1985, rev. ed., 1995; A Chronology of U.S. Panama Relations in the U.S. Invasion of Panama: The Truth behind Operation Just Cause, 1991; The Cuban Revolution and the United States: A Chronological History, 1992; Cuba and the United States: A Chronological History, 1997. Contributor to periodicals.

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