Frazier, Donald S(haw)

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FRAZIER, Donald S(haw)

FRAZIER, Donald S(haw). American, b. 1965. Genres: History. Career: Fort Worth Star-Telegram, TX, staff writer, 1983-87; General Dynamics Corp., technical publications analyst, 1987-88; Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, research assistant/graduate teaching assistant, 1990-92, visiting assistant professor of history, 1992-93; Tarrant County Junior College, Fort Worth, adjunct instructor, 1991; McMurry University, Abilene, TX, assistant professor, 1993-97, associate professor, 1997-98, chair of dept, 1998-2001, professor of history, 2001-. Longwood College, Francis B. Simpkins Memorial Lecturer, 1997; consultant to Palo Alto National Battlefield, History Channel, and the television documentary The Mexican-American War; McWhiney Foundation, executive director, 1996-. Publications: Blood and Treasure: Confederate Empire in the Southwest, 1995; The U.S. and Mexico at War: Nineteenth Century Expansionism and Conflict, 1998; Cottonclads! The Battle of Galveston and the Defense of the Texas Coast, 1996; Tom Green's Texans: The Civil War in Southwest Louisiana, 1861-1865, forthcoming. Address: Department of History, Box 637-McMurry Station, McMurry University, Abilene, TX 79697, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]

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