Friedrich, Paul

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FRIEDRICH, Paul. American, b. 1927. Genres: Poetry, Anthropology/Ethnology, Language/Linguistics. Career: Faculty member, University of Chicago, since 1962. Faculty member, Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1957-58, and University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1959-62. Publications: Proto-Indo-European Trees, 1970; Agrarian Revolt in a Mexican Village, 1970, 1978; The Tarascan Suffixes of Locative Space: Meaning and Morphotactics, 1971; Neighboring Leaves Ride This Wind, 1976; The Meaning of Aphrodite, 1978; Language, Context, and the Imagination, 1979; Bastard Moons, 1979; Redwing, 1982; The Language Parallax, 1986; The Princes of Naranja, 1987; (co-ed.) Russia and Eurasia/China, 1994; Music in Russian Poetry, 1997. Address: 1126 East 59th St, Chicago, IL 60637, U.S.A.

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