Frommel, Christoph Lvitpold

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FROMMEL, Christoph Lvitpold

FROMMEL, Christoph Lvitpold. German, b. 1933. Genres: Architecture. Career: Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome, Italy, fellow and research assistant, 1959-67, director, 1980-2001; University of Bonn, Germany, professor, 1968-80; University La Sapienta, Rome, professor, 2002-. Publications: Die Farnesia und Peruzzis architektonisches Fruehwerk, 1961; Der roemische Palastbau der Hochrenaissance, 1973; Michelangelo und Tommaso de' Cavalieri, 1979; (with others) Raffaello architelto, 1984; The Architectural Drawings of Antonio de Sangallo the Younger and His Circle, Vol. 1, 1993, Vol. 2, 2000, Vol. 3, 2004; La Farnesina, 2003; Architeltura alla corte papale del Rinascimento, 2003; Renaissance Architecture, 2004. Address: Bibliotheca Hertziana, Via Gregoriana 28, I-00147 Rome, Italy. Online address: [email protected]

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