Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg

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Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg ★★½ 1993

Raoul Wallenberg was an upper-class Swede who imported luxury goods from Hungary. He was also responsible for saving thousands of Hungarian Jews from extermination by the Nazis. Using phony documents he first has small groups of Jews smuggled to safety but when he learns that the 65,000 Jews of the Budapest ghetto are to be killed he uses a bluff to prevent the deaths. Later taken prisoner by the Soviet Army, Wallenberg's fate has never been determined. Characters are dwarfed by the immensity of the events and Wallenberg remains an enigma. In Swedish, German, and Hungarian with English subtitles. 115m/C VHS, DVD . SW Stellan Skarsgard, Erland Josephson, Katharina Thalbach; D: Kjell Grede; W: Kjell Grede.

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