Gross, Ernie

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GROSS, Ernie

GROSS, Ernie. Hungarian, b. 1913. Genres: History, Theology/Religion. Career: Writer. Lincoln Star, Lincoln, NE, reporter, 1937-41; Buffalo Evening News, Buffalo, NY, reporter, 1941-63; New York State Labor Department, Albany, NY, public relations director, 1963-64; US Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, DC, public relations director of job corps, 1964-67; US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington DC, director of new services, 1967-75; writer. President, Hospice Care of Eastern Shore, 1982-90; town councilman, Accomac, VA, 1990-99. Publications: This Day in Religion, 1990; This Day in American History, 1990. Address: c/o Publicity Director, Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc, 100 Varick St, New York, NY 10013, U.S.A.

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