Hankin, C(herry) A(nne)

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HANKIN, C(herry) A(nne)

HANKIN, C(herry) A(nne). New Zealander, b. 1937. Genres: History, Novellas/Short stories, Literary criticism and history, Biography. Career: Teacher of English and Latin at secondary schools in Auckland, New Zealand, 1960-62, Croydon, England, 1962-63, and Montreal, Quebec, 1963-65; University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, began as lecturer to reader in English, 1971-95. Publications: (ed.) Critical Essays on the New Zealand Novel, 1976; (ed.) Life in a Young Colony: Selections From Early New Zealand Writing, 1981; (ed.) Critical Essays on the New Zealand Short Story, 1982; Katherine Mansfield and Her Confessional Stories, 1983; (ed.) The Letters of John Middleton Murry to Katherine Mansfield, 1983; (ed.) Letters Between Katherine Mansfield and John Middleton Murry, 1988; New Amsterdam, 1991. Address: 22 West Tamaki Rd., St. Heliers, Auckland, New Zealand.

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