Hardy, Richard Earl

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HARDY, Richard Earl

HARDY, Richard Earl. American, b. 1938. Genres: Psychology, Sociology. Career: Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Chairman, Dept. of Rehabilitation Counseling, 1969-96, Chairman and Professor Emeritus, 1996-. Ed., Social and Rehabilitation Psychology series, Charles C Thomas Publishing, Springfield, IL, 1972-. Rehabilitation Counselor, Richmond, VA, 1961-63; Rehabilitation Advisor, Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, DC, 1963-66; Chief Psychologist, South Carolina Dept. of Rehabilitation, Columbia, 1966-68. former Member SC State Board of Psychology; former Certified Consultant in Clinical Hypnosis and Certified in Clinical Hypnosis, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, 1994. Hypnosis, 1994. Publications: (with J. G. Cull) The Big Welfare Mess: Public Assistance & Rehabilitation Approaches; Introduction to Correctional Rehabilitation, 1972; Drug Dependence and Rehabilitation Approaches, 1972; Rehabilitation of the Drug Abuser with Delinquent Behavior; Climbing Ghetto Walls; (co-ed.) Vocational Rehabilitation: Profession and Process, 1972, 1996; Alcohol Dependence and Rehabilitation Approaches; Behavior Modification of the Mentally Ill; Drug Language and Lore; Counseling Strategies with Special Populations; (with Gandy and Martin) Rehab Counseling and Services, 1987; Hemingway: A Psychological Portrait, 1988; Gestalt Psychotherapy, 1991; Hispaniola Episode, 1992; (co-author) The Brass Chalice, A Book of Drug Prevention for Children, Youth and Parents, 1994; (with Gandy and Martin) Rehabilitation Counseling: Mental and Physical Disabilities, 1999; Woodpeckers Don't Get Headaches, 2001. Contributor to professional journals. Address: 9214 Groundhog Dr, Richmond, VA 23235, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]

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