Haskell, Molly
HASKELL, Molly. American, b. 1939. Genres: Film, Women's studies and issues. Career: Sperry Rand, public relations associate; French Film Office, NYC, writer and editor; film critic for Village Voice, Viva, New York Magazine, and Vogue; regular film reviewer for Special Edition, Public Television, and All Things Considered, National Public Radio; Barnard College, NYC, associate professor, 1989; writer. Guest on television shows; lecturer. Publications: From Reverence to Rape: The Treatment of Women in the Movies, 1973, rev. ed., 1987; Love and Other Infectious Diseases: A Memoir, 1990; The Last Anniversary (one-act play), 1990; Holding My Own In No Man's Land: Women and Men and Film and Feminists, 1997. Address: 19 East 88th St, New York, NY 10128, U.S.A.