Hauser, Susan Carol

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HAUSER, Susan Carol

HAUSER, Susan Carol. American, b. 1942. Genres: Adult non-fiction. Career: Freelance writer, Bemidji, MN, 1976-; Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN, writer/editor, 1980-98, professor, 1998-. Minnesota Public radio, former commentator; National Public Radio, commentator on "Living on Earth" and "The Cultivated Gardener.". Publications: Meant to Be Read Out Loud, 1988; Girl to Woman: A Gathering of Images, 1992; Redpoll on a Broken Branch, 1992; What the Animals Know, 1992; Which Way to Look, 1992; Full Moon: Reflections on Turning Fifty, 1996; Nature's Revenge: The Secrets of Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac, and Their Remedies, 1996; Sugartime: The Hidden Pleasures of Making Maple Syrup with a Primer for the Nove Sugarer, 1997; Wild Rice Cooking: Harvesting, History, Natural History, Lore & Recipes, 2000; You Can Write a Memoir, 2001. Contributor to periodicals. Address: c/o Author Mail, Writer's Digest Books, 1507 Dana Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45207, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]

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