Herzog, Arthur
HERZOG, Arthur
HERZOG, Arthur. American, b. 1927. Genres: Novels, International relations/Current affairs, Politics/Government, Theology/Religion. Career: Writer. Publications: NOVELS: The Swarm, 1974; Earthsound, 1975; Orca, 1976; Heat, 1977, 1989; I.Q. 83, 1978; Make Us Happy, 1978; Glad to Be Here, 1979; Aries Rising, 1980; The Craving, 1982; L*S*I*T*T* (reissued as Takeover), 1984. OTHER: Smoking and the Public Interest, 1963; The War-Peace Establishment, 1965; The Church Trap, 1968; McCarthy for President, 1969; The B.S. Factor (social satire), 1973; Vesco, 1987; How to Write Almost Anything Better, 1987, rev. ed., 1994; The Woodchipper Murder, 1989; Seventeen Days: The Katie Beers Story, 1993; Body Parts, 2000; The Voice, 2001; Imortalon, 2002; The Town Buyers, 2003. Address: 4 E 81st St, Penthouse, New York, NY 10028, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]