How She Move

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How She Move ★★½ 2008 (PG-13)

Talented dancer Raya (Wesley) returns to her innercity Toronto neighborhood from private school after her sister dies of a drug overdose. Desperate for a new route out, she uses her dance talents to earn a spot in an all-male dance troupe, where she must constantly prove herself to be as good as the boys. Films's grit, depth, and excellent choreography make it a cut above the average hip-hop dance movie. 94m/C DVD . CA Melanie Nicholls-King, Rutina Wesley, Tre Armstrong, Dwain Murphy, Brennan Gademans, Shawn Desman, Kevin Duhaney; D: Ian Iqbal Rashid; W: Annmarie Morais; C: Andre Pienaar; M: Andrew Lockington.

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