Hunter, R(ichard) L(awrence)

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HUNTER, R(ichard) L(awrence)

HUNTER, R(ichard) L(awrence). Australian, b. 1953. Genres: Classics. Career: Cambridge University, England, Pembroke College, fellow, 1977-2001, director of studies in classics, 1979-99, university lecturer in classics, 1987-97, reader in Greek and Latin literature, 1997-2001, Regius Professor of Greek, 2001-; Trinity College, fellow, 2001-. Publications: A Study of Daphnis and Chloe, 1983; The New Comedy of Greece and Rome, 1985; The Argonautica of Apollonius: Literary Studies, 1993; Jason and the Golden Fleece: The Argonautica, 1993; Theocritus and the Archaeology of Greek Poetry, 1996; (with M. Fantuzzi) Muse e modelli, 2001; Theocritus, The Encomium for Ptolemy Philadelphus, 2003; Plato's Symposium, 2004. EDITOR: Eubulus: The Fragments, 1983; Book III/Apollonius of Rhodes, 1989; Theocritus, A Selection, 1999. Contributor of articles and reviews in learned journals. Address: Trinity College, Cambridge CB2 1TQ, England. Online address: [email protected]

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