Irwin, Peter George

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IRWIN, Peter George

IRWIN, Peter George. Australian, b. 1925. Genres: Geography. Career: Member of Staff, Newcastle Teachers College, 1959-65; Sr. Lecturer, 1966-74, and Associate Professor, 1974-85, Dept. of Geography, University of Newcastle NSW. Publications: (with D.A.M. Lea) New Guinea: The Territory and Its People, 1967; Equatorial and Tropical Rainforest, 1968; The Monsoon Asia, 1968; The Tropical Savanna, 1969; Human Geography, 1970; Cotton Systems of the Namoi Valley, 1972; Systems in Human Geography, 1973; (with J.C.R. Camm) Space, People, Place, 1979; (with J.C.R. Camm) Land, Man, Region, 1982; (with E. and J.C.R. Camm) Skills for Senior School Geography, 1985; (with E. and J.C.R. Camm) Australians in Their Environment, 1987; (with E. and J.C.R. Camm) Resources, Settlement, Livelihood: Perspectives on a Changing World, 1989; (with R.E. Bernard and P.P. Courtenay) Australia's Neighbours, 1990. Address: 16/16 Myall Rd, Waratah, NSW 2298, Australia.

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Irwin, Peter George

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