Jamieson, Kathleen Hall
JAMIESON, Kathleen Hall
JAMIESON, Kathleen Hall. American, b. 1946. Genres: Communications/Media. Career: University of Maryland, professor of communications, 1971-86; University of Texas at Austin, professor of communications, 1986-89; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, professor of communications, 1989-, director of Annenberg School of Communications, 1993-. Has appeared on television news programs as a political analyst. Publications: NONFICTION: (with H. Hellman and W. Semlak) Debating Crime Control, 1967; (Compiler) A Critical Anthology of Public Speeches, 1978; (with K.K. Campbell) The Interplay of Influence: Mass Media and Their Publics in News, Advertising, and Politics, 1982; Packaging the Presidency: A History and Criticism of Presidential Campaign Advertising, 1984; Eloquence in an Electronic Age: The Transformation of Political Speechmaking, 1988; (with D.S. Birdsell) Presidential Debates: The Challenge of Creating an Informed Electorate, 1988; (with Campbell) Deeds Done in Words: Presidential Rhetoric and the Genres of Governance, 1990; Dirty Politics: Deception, Distraction, and Democracy, 1992; (with K. Auletta and T.E. Patterson) 1800-President: The Report of the Twentieth Century Fund Task Force on Television and the Campaign of 1992, 1993; Beyond the Double Bind: Women and Leadership, 1995; (with J. Cappella) Spiral of Cynicism: The Press and the Public Good, 1996. Contributor to periodicals and professional journals. EDITOR: (with K.K. Campbell) Form and Genre: Shaping Rhetorical Action, 1978; Age Stereotyping and Television, 1978; Televised Advertising and the Elderly, 1978. Address: Annenberg School of Communications, University of Pennsylvania, 3620 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104, U.S.A.