Jansson, Bruce S.

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JANSSON, Bruce S. American. Genres: Social commentary, Social work. Career: University of Southern California, professor of social work to Driscoll/Clevenger Professor of social policy and administration, 1973-; City University of New York Graduate Center, New York, NY, Moses Professor, 1990; community organizer/planner. Publications: Theory and Practice of Social Welfare Policy: Analysis, Processes, and Current Issues, 1984, rev. ed. as Becoming an Effective Policy Advocate: From Policy Practice to Social Justice, 1999; The Reluctant Welfare State: A History of American Social Welfare Policies, 1988; Social Welfare Policy: From Theory to Practice, 1990, 2nd ed. as Social Policy: From Theory to Policy Practice, 1994; The Reluctant Welfare State: American Social Welfare Policies-Past, Present, and Future, 3rd ed, 1997, 4th ed, 2000; The Sixteen-Trillion-Dollar Mistake: How the U.S. Bungled Its National Priorities from the New Deal to the Present, 2001. Address: University of Southern California, Department of Social Work, Montgomery Ross Fisher Building 214, Los Angeles, CA 90089, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]

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