Joas, Hans
JOAS, Hans
JOAS, Hans. German, b. 1948. Genres: Philosophy, Sociology. Career: University of Erlangen, Germany, associate professor, 1987-90; Free University of Berlin, West Berlin, Germany, professor, 1990-2002; University of Erfurt, Max Weber Center, professor, 2002-. Visiting professor: University of Chicago, IL, 1985, 2000-04, University of Toronto, ON, 1986; University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996, 1998, New School for Social Research, NY, 1997, Duke University, 1998, University of Uppsala, Sweden, 1992, 1999-2000. Publications: Die gegenwaertige Lage der soziologischen Rollentheorie, 1975; Praktische Intersubjektivitaet, 1980, trans. as G.H. Mead: A Contemporary Re-examination of His Thought, 1985; (with A. Honneth) Soziales Handeln und menschliche Natur, 1980, trans. as Social Action and Human Nature, 1988; (with M. Bochow) Wissenschaft und Karriere, 1987; Die Kreativiteat des Handelns, 1992, trans. as The Creativity of Action, 1996; Pragmatism and Social Theory, 1993; Die Entstehung der Werte, 1996, trans. as The Genesis of Values, 2000; Kriege und Werte, 2000, trans. as War and Modernity, 2002. EDITOR: Das Problem der Intersubjektivitaet: Neuere Beitraege zum Werk George Herbert Mead, 1985; Kommunikatives Handeln: Beitraege zu Juergen Habermas' Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns, 1986, trans. as Communicative Action: Essays on Juergen Habermas's The Theory of Communicative Action, 1991; (with H. Steiner) Machtpolitischer Realismus und pazifistische Utopie, 1989; (with M. Kohli) Der Zusammenbruch der DDR: Soziologische Analysen, 1993; (with W. Knoebl) Gewalt in den USA, 1994; Philosophie der Demokratie, 2000; Lehrbuch der Soziologie, 2001. Address: Max Weber Center, University of Erfurt, Am Huegel 1, 99084 Erfurt, Germany.