Johnson, Sir Peter (Colpoys Paley)

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JOHNSON, Sir Peter (Colpoys Paley)

JOHNSON, Sir Peter (Colpoys Paley). British, b. 1930. Genres: Recreation, Sports/Fitness. Career: Joined Royal Artillery, 1949; retired as Capt., 1961; Director, Sea Sure Ltd., 1965-73; Director and Ed., Nautical Publishing Co. Ltd., 1970-81. Publishing Director, Nautical Books, Macmillan London Ltd., 1981-86; Ed., yachting books, Haynes Publishing Group, 1987-91. Author. Publications: Ocean Racing and Offshore Yachts, 1970, 1972; Boating Britain, 1973; Guinness Book of Yachting Facts and Feats, 1975; Guinness Guide to Sailing, 1981; This Is Fast Cruising, 1985; Encyclopedia of Yachting, 1989; USA: Sail Magazine Book of Sailing; Whitbread Round the World, 1992; Yacht Clubs of the World, 1994; Yacht Rating, 1997; The RHY Book of World Sailing Records, 2002. Died 2003.

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