Karl, Frederick (Robert)

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KARL, Frederick (Robert)

KARL, Frederick (Robert). American, b. 1927. Genres: Novels, Intellectual history, Literary criticism and history, Biography. Publications: A Reader's Guide to Joseph Conrad, 1960; The Quest (novel), 1961; The Contemporary English Novel, 1962; An Age of Fiction, 1964; The Adversary Literature, 1974; Joseph Conrad: The Three Lives: Biography, 1979; American Fictions 1940-1980, 1983; Modern and Modernism: The Sovereignty of the Artist 1885-1925, 1985; William Faulkner: American Writer, 1989; Franz Kafka: Representative Man (biography), 1991; George Eliot: Voice of a Century (biography), 1995. EDITOR: Joseph Conrad: A Collection of Criticism, 1975; (co) Letters of Joseph Conrad, 6 vols., 1983- 2003; Biography and Source Studies (essays on biography), 8 vols.; American Fictions: 1980-2000, 2001. Died 2004.

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