Kirk, Pauline (M.)
KIRK, Pauline (M.)
KIRK, Pauline (M.). British, b. 1942. Genres: Novels, Poetry, Literary criticism and history. Career: Methodist Ladies College, Melbourne, Australia, teacher, 1965-66; Open University, tutor, counselor, assistant senior counselor, 1969-89; Department of Social Services, Leeds, England, senior officer and voluntary resource coordinator for city council, 1988-95; writer, 1995-. Tutor in adult education at Universities of London, Reading, and Leeds, 1969-89. Fighting Cock Press, partner. Performance poet and leader of creative writing workshops; judge of short story and poetry competitions; organizer of community arts festivals, 1980-. Publications: POETRY: Scorpion Days, 1982, 2nd ed, 1986; Red Marl and Brick, 1985; Rights of Way, 1990; Travelling Solo, 1995; Return to Dreamtime, 1996. NOVELS: Waters of Time, 1988; The Keepers, 1996. OTHER: (author of intro) Scathed Earth: The Collected Poems of Mabel Ferrett, 1996. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor of poems and articles to magazines and newspapers. Address: c/o David Grossman, David Grossman Literary Agency Ltd., 118b Holland Park Ave, London W11 4UA, England.