Lang, Anthony E.

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LANG, Anthony E.

LANG, Anthony E. Canadian, b. 1951. Genres: Medicine/Health. Career: Toronto Western Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, senior scientist, 1985-; Toronto Western Hospital, director of Morton and Gloria Shulman Movement Disorder Clinic, 1993-; University of Toronto, Jack Clark Chair for Parkinson's Disease Research and professor of medicine and neurology, 2000-. Publications: WITH W.J. WEINER: Movement Disorders: A Comprehensive Survey, 1989; (L. Shulman) Parkinson's Disease: A Complete Guide for Patients and Families, 2001. EDITOR WITH W.J. WEINER: Drug-induced Movement Disorders, 1992; Behavioral Neurology of Movement Disorders, 1995. Author of studies in professional journals. Contributor to clinical reference books on movement disorders. Address: University of Toronto Movement Disorders Research Centre, The Toronto Hospital Western Division, MP11-306, 399 Bathhurst Street, Toronto., ON, Canada M5T 2S8.

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