Larson, Muriel Koller

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LARSON, Muriel Koller

LARSON, Muriel Koller. Also writes as Kevin Koller. American, b. 1924. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: Writer; counselor. Publications: Devotions for Women's Groups, 1967; How to Give a Devotion, 1967; Devotions for Children, 1969; Living Miracles, 1973; It Took a Miracle, 1974; You Are What You Think, 1974; God's Fantastic Creation, 1975; The Bible Says: Quiz Book, 1976; Are You Real, God?, 1976; I Give Up, God, 1978; Joy Every Morning, 1979; What Happens When Women Believe, 1979; Living by Faith, 1984; Praise Every Day, 1984; Ways Women Can Witness, 1984; Me and My Pet Peeves, 1988; Petals of Praise, 1991. Contributor to periodicals. Address: 10 Vanderbilt Circle, Greenville, SC 29609-4009, U.S.A. Online address:;

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