The Last of the Mohicans 1920

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The Last of theMohicans ★★★ 1920

Color tints enhance this silent version of the James Fenimore Cooper rouser. Beery is the villanious Magua, with Bedford memorable as the lovely Cora and Roscoe as the brave Uncas. Fine action sequences, including the Huron massacre at Fort Henry. Director credit was shared when Tourneur suffered an on-set injury and was off for three months. 75m/B VHS, DVD . Wallace Beery, Barbara Bedford, Albert Roscoe, Lillian Hall-Davis, Henry Woodward, James Gordon, George Hackathorne, Harry Lorraine, Nelson McDowell, Theodore Lorch, Boris Karloff; D: Maurice Tourneur, Clarence Brown; W: Robert A.(R.A.) Dillon; C: Charles Van Enger. Natl. Film Reg. ‘95.

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