Leerburger, Benedict A.

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LEERBURGER, Benedict A. American. Genres: Librarianship, Self help, Technology. Career: Freelance writer, since 1979. Science Ed., Look Magazine, NYC, 1964-69; Director of Publs., New York Times, MCA, NYC, 1972-74; Ed. and Publr., Kraus-Thomson Organization Ltd., 1974-77; Publr., Film Review Digest, 1975-77; Ed.-in-Chief, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Webster Division, NYC, 1977-79. Publications: Josiah Willard Gibbs: American Theoretical Physicist, 1968; Marketing the Library, 1983; The Complete Consumer's Guide to the Latest Telephones, 1985; Insider's Guide to Foreign Study, 1988; The Complete Guide to Overseas Employment, 1991; Jobs Worldwide, 1995. Address: 338 Heathcote Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]

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